Here are two of my boy-child and his younger sister. Different days, different places. Just wanted to share. My girly won't look straight at the camera, and if she does, she typically makes a silly face. What can I say? She's my clown! I guess I will have to take the moments I can get that capture her sweetness when she isn't looking. The shot of my son was taken in the garage in natural light. a reflector would have been great, but meh... He is still the handsomest little man in the world to me.

Here is a shot that I took this afternoon of my oldest daughter. She'll be receiving her first Communion in exactly two weeks and 15 minutes. I thought I'd try to take some photos myself with my zippy new 50mm f/1.4. I have to say, I'm kind of happy with it!

Here are a few recent shots of my three. The first shot is my youngest. She is the hardest to photograph as she just isn't interested. At all. My other two will indulge their dear mother and pose for a few minutes.

The Moon

Here is the moon, shot from my backyard with my EF75-300mm f/4-5.6 (300mm)at 1/250/f/8/ISO 200. I'm posting this merely for the enjoyment of Alex, Alex, and Father Richard.

So here I go.

My first post will be about our trip to the Georgia Aquarium. I took everything with me but the tripod. I thought it was kind of difficult to get great shots without my flash, and sadly, some of the fish were not fans of bright flashing light. I'm happy to say that I have since learned a few things and look forward to going back so that I can try again. But anyway, here are the few that I was happy with.

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